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For Health Care Providers
Two questionnaires that may be useful for professionals working with patients who experience tinnitus are provided as downloadable documents in an Excel spreadsheet format.
These questionnaires may be used to identify specific areas of a patient’s life that are affected by tinnitus as well as to monitor a patient’s progress with a particular treatment.
The Iowa Tinnitus Handicap Questionnaire was developed and psychometrically measured by Francis K. Kuk, Richard S. Tyler, Daniel Russell, and Herbert Jordan in 1990. Three factors are examined that include the physical, emotional, and social consequences of tinnitus, the hearing ability of the patient, and the patients’ view of tinnitus.
The Iowa Tinnitus Activities Questionnaire looks at the emotional aspect of tinnitus as well as problems that are associated with concentration, hearing, and sleep due to tinnitus.
Each document contains a scoring component, and we offer two different versions of each questionnaire. The scoring component can be found on the downloaded Excel document by clicking on the "remark" tab near the bottom of the spreadsheet page.
Translations of these questionnaires are available in a growing number of languages.
Download Questionnaires
عربي (Arabic)
Arabic version provided by Inas Ramadan, MD
النسخة العربية مقدمة من الدكتورة إيناس رمضان
استبيان أنشطة الطنين في ولاية أيوا، الإصدار 1
استبيان أنشطة الطنين في ولاية أيوا، الإصدار 2
استبيان الإعاقة في الطنين في ولاية أيوا، الإصدار 1
استبيان الإعاقة في الطنين في ولاية أيوا، الإصدار 2
Nederlands (Dutch)
Deutsch (German)
German version provided by Ilse M. Zalaman, DP and Ingo Baumann, MD
Deutsche Übersetzung von Ilse M. Zalaman, DP und Ingo Baumann, MD
Iowa Tinnitus-Aktivitätenfragebogen Version 1
Iowa Tinnitus-Aktivitätenfragebogen Version 2
Iowa Tinnitus-Handicap-Fragebogen Version 1
Iowa Tinnitus-Handicap-Fragebogen Version 2
हिन्दी (Hindi)
हिंदी संस्करण स्मिता अग्रवाल, पीएचडी द्वारा प्रदान किया गया
आयोवा टिनिटस गतिविधियाँ प्रश्नावली संस्करण 1
आयोवा टिनिटस गतिविधियाँ प्रश्नावली संस्करण 2
आयोवा टिनिटस हैंडीकैप प्रश्नावली संस्करण 1
आयोवा टिनिटस हैंडीकैप प्रश्नावली संस्करण 2
한국인 (Korean)
Son-A Chang, MA가 제공한 한국어 버전
lietuvių (Lithuanian)
فارسی (Persian)
Polski (Polish)
Português (Portugese)
Versão em português fornecida por Claudia Coelho, MD
Questionário de atividades de zumbido de Iowa versão 1
Questionário de atividades de zumbido de Iowa versão 2
Questionário de deficiência de zumbido de Iowa versão 1
Questionário de deficiência de zumbido de Iowa versão 2
Portugese-Versão Brasileira Provided by Patricia Pérez Coradini
Questionário de função primária do zumbido
Questionário de deficiência do zumbido
中国人 (Chinese)
简体中文版由 Tao Pan 医生提供
繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
Русский (Russian)
Русская версия предоставлена Натальей Айзенберг, доктором наук, F-AAA, CCC-A
Опросник по активности звона в ушах в Айове, версия 1
Опросник по активности звона в ушах в Айове, версия 2
Опросник по инвалидности звона в ушах в Айове, версия 1
Опросник по инвалидности звона в ушах в Айове, версия 2
Española (Spanish)
Versión en español proporcionada por Paulo Medeiros
Cuestionario de actividades relacionadas con el tinnitus de Iowa, versión 1
Cuestionario de actividades relacionadas con el tinnitus de Iowa, versión 2
Cuestionario de discapacidades relacionadas con el tinnitus de Iowa, versión 1
Cuestionario de discapacidades relacionadas con el tinnitus de Iowa, versión 2
Türkçe (Turkish)
Türkçe versiyonu Mavis Kaylicki, PhD tarafından sağlanmıştır.
Iowa Tinnitus Aktiviteleri Anketi Sürüm 1
Iowa Tinnitus Aktiviteleri Anketi Sürüm 2
Iowa Tinnitus Engellilik Anketi Sürüm 1
Iowa Tinnitus Engellilik Anketi Sürüm 2
українська (Ukrainian)
Jun HJ, Yoo, IW , Hwang, SJ, Kwang, SY. 2015. Validation of a Korean version of the Tinnitus Handicap Questionnaire. Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol 8, 198-201.
Vanneste S, To, WT, De Ridder, D. 2011. The psychometric properties of the Tinnitus Handicap Questionnaire in a Dutch-speaking population. Clin Otolaryngol. 36, 9-16.
Nahad HA, Rouzbahani, M, Jarollahi, F, Jalaie, S, Pourbakht, A, Helnaz Mokrian, H., et al. 2014. Translation, validity, and reliability of a Persian version of the Iowa tinnitus handicap questionnaire. Iran J Otorhinolaryngol 26, 79-88.